As of Arroyo 0.6, all functionality of Arroyo is available through the REST API. The REST API by default runs at http://localhost:5115/api.


Some endpoints return collections that implement cursor-based pagination. These API endpoints accept the query parameters limit and startingAfter, and their responses include the hasMore field, for example:

    "data": [
            "id": "pl_asVfUS2zAa",
            "id": "pl_O6GKZiL6mn",
    "hasMore": true

The data field contains the list of resources, and the hasMore field indicates whether there are more items available.

The response represents a single page of results in reverse chronological order. If startingAfter is not specified, the first page of results is returned. You can set startingAfter to the id of the last item to retrieve the next page of results.

To see which endpoints support pagination, check the OpenAPI specification at /api/v1/api-docs/openapi.json.